• Question: what did u like about school when you were at school

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      Asked by Bradley to Nikki, Jess, Harriet, Chris, Andy on 4 Mar 2016.
      • Photo: Christopher Blanford

        Christopher Blanford answered on 4 Mar 2016:

        Hi Bradley B.

        School wasn’t always great for me. I was short, kinda fat, and bored a lot of the time. I also had bad glasses.

        I was good at science, but didn’t like school too much. I liked chemistry (and still do) and I liked math (and still do). I liked understanding how things work, but that wasn’t taught enough at my school.

        This all changed when I was in high school (around Year 12 here, or junior year in the US, where I’m from). I got taller, the courses got more interesting, I had more freedom to explore and ask questions, and a lot of the boring stuff made more sense.


      • Photo: andy chapman

        andy chapman answered on 5 Mar 2016:

        Playing football during breaks. I did love most of my lessons actually but I think I pretended that I didn’t to try and look ‘cool’.

      • Photo: Nikki D'Arcy

        Nikki D'Arcy answered on 6 Mar 2016:

        I loved school. I got ok grades and stuff but had a great group of friends and we had a blast. I enjoyed getting to do experiments in science classes because for me that was much more fun than reading out loud or being taught something by being lectured. We had a hilarious old stuffy chemistry teacher too who would always make us laugh.

        I think the best thing to remember is that you have so many opportunities to discover new stuff and maybe you feel like it’s a pain sometimes but try to enjoy it 🙂

      • Photo: Jessica Groppi

        Jessica Groppi answered on 6 Mar 2016:

        Hi Bradley,

        thanks for the question!

        I think at the time my favourite thing about school was hanging out with my friends all day!
        Also, I have a really good memory so I always got really good grades without having to study much and that made me feel great.


      • Photo: Harriet Reid

        Harriet Reid answered on 8 Mar 2016:

        I really loved art at school, it wasn’t until I was about 14 that a really started to enjoy science at school. I mostly enjoyed seeing my friends and playing sport.
