• Question: Was there any specific moment in your life where science impacted you greatly, at a young age or recently?!

    Asked by x.genie to Andy, Chris, Harriet, Jess, Nikki on 10 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Harriet Reid

      Harriet Reid answered on 10 Mar 2016:

      Hi x.genie,
      This is a hard question. I think for me there hasn’t been any really defining moment, more for a slow change over time. If I had to pick one thing it would be the year I spent working in a lab developing new cancer treatments in america. It was great to be researching in a lab for the first time, and working as a team towards such a great goal.

    • Photo: andy chapman

      andy chapman answered on 10 Mar 2016:

      Not that I can think of. It genuinely influences how I do everything everyday.

    • Photo: Christopher Blanford

      Christopher Blanford answered on 10 Mar 2016:

      Hi again, x.genie

      Recent moment: I got knocked off my bike by a van coming from a side road. I ended up in hospital with several broken bones and blood pooling behind my eye.

      This made me realise how important materials are in our lives:
      – My helmet shattered, taking away the energy of the collision and keeping my skull from being shattered. Someone designed that material to do that.
      – I had a plastic tube put in to drain my eye. Someone came up with that material to stay in there safely and not get mucked up with bacteria.
      – I have a titanium plate under my right eye. Someone worked out that this metal is safe in our bodies.

      So, yeah.

    • Photo: Jessica Groppi

      Jessica Groppi answered on 14 Mar 2016:


      Because of science I decided to come to the UK, 4 years ago. That completely changed my life.

