• Question: what is the most interesting science book you have read and why

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      Asked by zoo.ee to Jess on 13 Mar 2016.
      • Photo: Jessica Groppi

        Jessica Groppi answered on 13 Mar 2016:


        I usually don’t read science books unless it’s for school or work, I prefer much more fiction.

        I really liked the book by K. Lorentz, “King’s Solomon ring”, which is about animal behaviour, it’s really easy to read and interesting. If you like animals you should definitely read it.

        As a chemistry student I found interesting the book “The organic chem lab survival manual” by J. W. Zubrick, it’s very technical and I would suggest it only if you plan to be an organic chemist, but it has quite an informal and funny tone, like the writer it’s actually standing next to you in the lab explaining things as you go along.

